1. introducing flexbox 2. A Quick Flexbox Example Also suggested Flexbox overview here. 3. Axes and Direction with Flexbox 4. Axes and Direction in Action 5. …
CSS (part 1 of 4): Free CSS video tutorials by Udacity as part of Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program
1. why learn css 2. selectors 3. linking css 4. specificity 5. the box model 6. Display and Positioning: Inline & Block 7. Display and Positioning: …
CS50x: Your springboard to customized WordPress with PHP and JavaScript
While CS50's Introduction to Computer Science from Harvard University doesn't directly delve deep into web development, the skills you acquire through its curriculum can serve as a powerful …
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Learning Python with CS50x and Udacity: Follow up with IBM for courses geared towards developers
After concluding a 5-week module on the C programming language through CS50x, the curriculum transitions to Python in the 6th week. The design of the week 6 curriculum aims to facilitate the …
Beyond the screen: Embracing the vital role of hardware in software development
The hardware provides the foundation upon which software is built and executed. Without hardware, there would be no physical infrastructure to run software on. Hardware architecture, performance, and …
Scratch, Wolfram, and C: 3 ways to start learning computer programming
Scratch (before C/Python/JavaScript) Made for kids to help them learn computer programming through graphics/drag & drop tools instead of text. You can come out with your own stories and …
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