Introduction Flask and Django are two of the most popular web frameworks for Python, each offering unique features and advantages. This article explores the differences between Flask and Django, …
COBOL and C as introductory programming languages
COBOL: The Language for Business and Transaction Processing COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) has been a cornerstone of business, finance, and administrative systems for decades. Despite …
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Creating Responsive Layouts (part 4 of 4): Free CSS video tutorials by Udacity as part of Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program
1. Building layouts with grid 2. A Simple Blog Page 3. Media Queries 4. Adding Media Queries in Code 5. Multiple Breakpoints 6. Building Responsive Layouts …
CSS Grid (part 3 of 4): Free CSS video tutorials by Udacity as part of Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program
1. Grid vs Flexbox 2. An Example of Grid vs Flexbox 3. Rows & Columns 4. Rows & Columns in Action 5. Grid Areas 6. Working with Grid Areas 7. Working …
CSS Flexbox (part 2 of 4): Free CSS video tutorials by Udacity as part of Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program
1. introducing flexbox 2. A Quick Flexbox Example Also suggested Flexbox overview here. 3. Axes and Direction with Flexbox 4. Axes and Direction in Action 5. …
CSS (part 1 of 4): Free CSS video tutorials by Udacity as part of Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program
1. why learn css 2. selectors 3. linking css 4. specificity 5. the box model 6. Display and Positioning: Inline & Block 7. Display and Positioning: …